The Education of Simon Jones in the difference between art and Art (and the gaps in-between) by John Coombes.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Does an artist's expression of feeling equal art? How do you establish the position of Artist? Everyone has feelings. Is everyone an artist?

This is what the BritArt gang are proposing, or should it, as it has been in the past, be coupled with marvel. I believe magic has a great part to play in art. If art if to express emotion and some how illuminate the human condition for better or worse, showing us in a clearer light, under the torch of truth, then we need to be in a certain state to receive the message. This is the reason for Art Galleries. This is also the reason why we sing hymns in church, it makes us feel better [some do say because the controlled breathing during the act of singing starves the brain of oxygen, and the old endorphins kick in and give us a sense of peace and harmony - all the better to hear Deacon Jones' sermon and The Message Of God in general]. So too with art, putting it in a hallowed space [and it used to be churches for the most part] alters our state of being slightly, producing a different response to the artifact. Coupled with the wonder of "wow!" or "ahh!", the "how did they do that?", the shock of the "eugh!" we change our way of seeing and out experience is heightened.

As the stuckists said if it has to exist in a gallery to be art then is it art? so too can we say is it art if it isn't in a gallery? Clearly art can exist outside galleries, but it has to manifest the conditions of wonder, awe and ahh to be art outside a gallery.



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