The Education of Simon Jones in the difference between art and Art (and the gaps in-between) by John Coombes.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

It doesn't matter whether the artist, brush in hand, paints twelve hours a day for seven days and produces a picture or whether the artist sits looking at a blank canvas, wanders around, eating nuts and figs [and cheese] looking at books, drinking too much black coffee and staring at a blank canvas twelve hours a day for six days, then in the last few hours of the seventh day paints a picture.

It's only middle class work ethics that attach meaning to time and size. See Ruskin v Whistler 'flinging a pot of paint in the face of the public' Ruskin accused Whistler of charging too much for a brief moment's painting, Whister responded that he wasn't charging for the moment painting but for a life time's experience. Whistler won and was awarded a farthing damages, [don't know who paid costs]

But it's still a hard one break free from


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