The Education of Simon Jones in the difference between art and Art (and the gaps in-between) by John Coombes.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Symbolism or Black Pants/White Pants

White Pants signify the simple innocence, pleasure and purity of the female form, whereas Black Pants dwell in the dark and depraved imaginings of the fevered filthly mind of deeply disturbed graphic designers. On the other hand it's just a matter of taste; and I guess Black Pants will taste the same as White Pants.

Symbolism is of course an integral part of many paintings, except those of John Coombes, who, painting a cunt as a cunt, doesn't require symbolism. People hide behind symbolism and use the substitution of imagery to hide embarassing, or at times illegal, emotions and feelings, while at the same time trying to shout out loud. It is the sign of a misguided society when we have to cover our natural feelings. Un-natural feelings can be left covered for the time being.