The Education of Simon Jones in the difference between art and Art (and the gaps in-between) by John Coombes.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Which of these is art?




Answers in the comment section please, only post one answer each, no cheating.


Blogger Daphne said...

We think the bottom one is art because the top one is someone's careful school drawing, the middle one is someone's fake Picasso, and the bottom one is the most interesting and also the most fun. But we could be wildly wrong in which case we will stab ourselves with the sharp end of a paintbrush. Love from the Pancake Family.

10:26 pm

Blogger Jonesy said...

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9:21 am

Blogger Jonesy said...

They're probably all art in the eyes of the artist, unless as Daphne Cheese suggested, one is a fake. But I doubt it. Oh please do tell teacher...

9:24 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All. People can say whatever they want - like, so lifelike! so unlifelike! so naive! - It is of no significance what any bugger says. In each case someone has tried to portray the face they are looking at. It can't be done, but they did it. Art is something that can't be done but look, I just did it. DR

1:44 pm


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